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My prediction for the “meaningful vote” tonight

I think she will keep submitting it until it passes. I think if she resubmits it in a month, MPs will be much more focussed because of the ticking bomb. I think the Moggies will eventually vote for it, because although it isn’t hard leave now, it still means they can fight for hard leave at the end of the withdrawal period. I think hard leave/ “no deal” isn’t ruled out by May’s deal, and May’s deal gives them two years to prepare the ground, so they won’t be that unhappy if it passes tonight or next month although they’ll pretend they are. I think when they are in control, we’ll crash out on WTO and zero-tariffs for imports, no matter where they come from. I think this has been the plan all along – the Moggies only opposed May’s deal to start with because it was their chance to win leadership of the party. I think zero-tariffs on imports and Singapore-style low regulation, poverty-level wages at the bottom, no social security and high-tech extreme wealth at the top are what this is al

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